Become a Member

Join the fight to restore common sense, civility, and freedom to your community and our country. Become an Independent Women’s Network member and get the tools to be an effective leader, learn about issues, advocate for your family and country, engage with great people, and have lots of fun while doing it.

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Take Action

Make your voice heard on issues that directly impact your life.

Share Your Story

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a story must be worth a million. We want to hear from YOU. Create a short video, photo, and/or written story depicting your experiences and/or concerns on specific issues—like health care, education, regulations, and more.

Get Your Friends and Loved Ones Involved  

You are the key to influencing the people around you. Learn more about issues like health care, paid leave, and education, and talk to those you’re closest with about your concerns and why you believe that there are better ways to tackle policy issues.

Invest in IWV

We can’t do our work without the support of people like you. Even a small contribution can make a big difference.